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    WSRD Polaris RZR Tunes | Turbo Models

    by WSRD
    Original price $329.00 - Original price $750.00
    Original price $329.00 - Original price $750.00
    Original price
    $329.00 - $750.00
    $329.00 - $750.00
    Current price $329.00
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    This product listing is for clients who have already purchased a DynoJet Power Vision or for clients who are looking to purchase the DynoJet License and flash multiple machines. 

    When purchasing our tunes from this listing it not only makes communication easy on our end but yours as well. Most conversations start via email and will end there. All that we ask of you is to send us your PV Info File and Stock STK File and this process will be effortless. After your tune purchase and keep an eye out for a follow up email with instructions on where to send this information. Corresponding emails will be sent to and from, tunes@whalentuned.com.

    PVinfo File.TXT

    PVinfo File.TXT

    After your tune purchase is completed, please forward us your PVinfo File; tunes@whalentuned.com along with your order number for proof of purchase. This will allow us to easily identify what we need to send you. Please reference the picture to identify your PVinfo File once your Power Vision has been connected to your computer.

    The process for the PVinfo File is this;
    ~ Step 1: connect the power vision to your machine, and key power on. The dash should light up, along with the power vision. When doing this the Power Vision identifies the machine it is connected to and generates the PVinfo File. (This step is not necessary for clients that have previously flashed the machine they are purchasing tunes for)
    ~ Step 2: you do not need to do anything with the power vision, do not press anything on the power vision, etc. You can now key power off on the machine, let me power vision go black, and this can now be removed from the machine. 
    ~ Step 3: connect the power vision to your computer using the supplied USB cable. You will then open the power vision folder. (Please reference the picture below to assist with this.)
    ~ Step 4: please send this PVinfo File to tunes@whalentuned.com, along with your machine's details and an order reference for the package purchase. Once this is done, Jake will follow up with you on the associated tune files. 
    ~ Step 5: Once the tune files have been received, you will need to download these tune files from the email, do not click and drag from the email. Once these have been downloaded, please move them from the downloads folder to the power vision folder. You should be able to then connect the power vision to the machine and follow the prompts to flash your tune file of choice. 

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 3 reviews
    Trevor Bechel

    Started with the Dynojet tune for my machine (with supporting mods). Good jump from stock - BUT - the Whalen speed tune was CONSIDERABLY better. Much stronger mid range, better drivability at lower rpms, hard punch at the top. Highly recommended . Pro Xp, full exhaust, intake, intercooler, clutching, 32” tires.

    AA Big Injector Conversion - Big Injector

    Just switched to your tunes (white car), stock turbo big injector e85, bc stage 2+ cams. Vs aa tuned big injector 85, aa big turbo. Just wanna say I’m over the top! Super happy! Thank you guys so much. If you ever plan to do more with the pro xp’s I’d love to get my hands on whatever you got. Hell I’d love to be a test mule if you ever need. Made my machine awesome!

    Chris York

    WSRD Polaris RZR Stock Injector Tunes | Turbo Models

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