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    WSRD 2020-2025 Polaris Pro XP, Turbo R & Pro S Stock Injector Packages (252-269HP)

    by WSRD
    Original price $729.00 - Original price $729.00
    Original price
    $729.00 - $729.00
    Current price $729.00
    In stock
    Power Package: WSRD WS190 & WS200 | 91/93 & 98+ Octane

    What's Included?

    ~ DynoJet Power Vision PV3
    ~ WSRD Stock Injector Calibrations (Includes 91, 93 & 98+ Octane Fuels)

    WSRD Pro XP Tune Files are pre-loaded for end user simplicity!

    Original testing saw 178HP on our Mainline Hub Dyno. With our WS190.93 tune file we saw an increase to 204HP utilizing the WSRD Ultimax Drive Belt. With further clutch development utilizing the KWI RZR Clutch Kit we saw 216HP with belt slip and RPM pushing to 9000 RPM. Moving to the KWI TAPP Primary Clutch we achieved the 232HP listed and dialed the clutching for  maximum horsepower. And, with additional horsepower utilizing VP MS100 fuel on the WS200 file the KWI TAPP Clutch is the ticket for power production!

    ~ Radiator fan activation temp lowered from ~200* F to ~175* F
    ~ Torque limits for L raised to 100%, reverse raised to 75%
    ~ Component protection mode for fueling lowered to increase torque and horsepower, especially right after the pedal is floored.
    ~ Ignition timing per cylinder is optimized for maximum power as well as drive-ability, careful consideration was used not only for when at wide open throttle, but as well as cruise, throttle transitions, ect.
    ~ Throttle feel and control is thoughtfully improved, to control through a whoop section, on/off feel in short course style racing or playing in the woods, eco mode is improved but offers the less aggressive pedal for technical rock sections or simply loading on a trailer.
    ~ Speed limits removed, your speed limit is your rev limiter/gear
    ~ Rev limiter raised to 9200 RPM
    ~ Rough road detection is raised to max to prevent power loss
    ~ Plus more!

    ~ Radiator fan activation temp lowered from ~200* F to ~175* F
    ~ Torque limits for L raised to 100%, reverse raised to 75%
    ~ Component protection mode for fueling lowered to increase torque and horsepower, especially right after the pedal is floored.
    ~ Ignition timing per cylinder is optimized for maximum power as well as drive-ability, careful consideration was used not only for when at wide open throttle, but as well as cruise, throttle transitions, ect.
    ~ Throttle feel and control is thoughtfully improved, to control through a whoop section, on/off feel in short course style racing or playing in the woods, eco mode is improved but offers the less aggressive pedal for technical rock sections or simply loading on a trailer.
    ~ Speed limits removed, your speed limit is your rev limiter/gear
    ~ Rev limiter raised to 9200 RPM
    ~ Rough road detection is raised to max to prevent power loss
    ~ Plus more!

    WSRD Tune Files

    WSRD Tune Files

    All Pro XP Tune Files are pre-loaded for end user simplicity.

    Crack Pressure

    Crack Pressure

    Pro XP Stock Injector Tune Files do NOT require a crack pressure adjustment.

    Power Production

    Power Production

    The most powerful stock injector tunes on the market!

    Dyno Graph - Pro XP & Turbo R

    Dyno Graph - Pro XP & Turbo R

    Through development, and testing over the last few years we have found that stock machines range from 190 Hub Horsepower to nearly 200 Hub Horsepower, as shown in the dyno graph.
    Even with the Can-Am X3 Models it has been tested that manufacturer advertised horsepower numbers may be higher or lower than reported.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 18 reviews
    Larry A Lamer
    Great Tune

    Absolutely love it easy install delivered on time as promised gained great horsepower couldn’t be happier.love it!

    Jacob Mathis
    24 turbo r

    Running the 93 tune and runs like a raped ape with the ibex clutch rpm tubes and palm exhaust

    Chris Ankney

    Very happy with the tune

    23 pro xp 252-269hp tune

    The 93 tune really woke the machine up. Was impressed with how hard the machine pulled compared to stock. would recommend to anyone. Well worth the money!

    Ricky Pierce
    2024 Turbo R

    Woke my machine up and feels like a rocket. On the 93 octane tune I beat a buddy who has a Maverick R in a drag race. In low I definitely feel the power and it doesn’t seem like the torque is limited anymore.
    With exhaust cutout open it makes 21.5lbs of boost on 93 octane.
    Having the gauge cluster is nice to keep an eye on things.

    I have an exhaust cutout and Gibson exhaust. Silicon intake tubes. Clutch kit.

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