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    WSRD Can-Am X3 Launch Control Module | 2017-2022 QRSX+ Clutch

    by WSRD
    Original price $409.00 - Original price $519.00
    Original price $409.00 - Original price $519.00
    Original price
    $409.00 - $519.00
    $409.00 - $519.00
    Current price $409.00
    Choose a Launch Control Switch/Button
    Choose a RPM Configuration
    Choose a Clutch Spring/System
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    The WSRD Launch Control Module(LCM) is designed to allow the machine to have a controlled, consistent launch rpm by cutting ignition at the desired rpm, as well as build boost by controlling ignition retard. This unit can be added to any machine or any ones tuning and allows the user to be able to fine tune the launch rpm and how aggressive the machine will leave. 

    Launch Control Operation:

    • WSRD LCMs come standard with an operations delay
    • Older LCMs came configured with a three second delay between pushing the activation button and actual LCM activation
    • WSRD has updated this to now include a one second delay as of Feb. 1st, 2022
    • For proper operation please press the LCM momentary switch, wait one second and then apply gas pedal for LCM activation

    The WSRD LCM has the ability to retard up to 40*. The ignition retard allows for more heat in the exhaust which assists the turbos shaft speed creating more boost. 

    The WSRD LCM will be sent with our standard setting of 2200 RPM cut with -30* of retard. We also offer a 2600 RPM setting that can come preloaded. This can be modified by the user. With our Max Effort LCM we can configure and assist the user with setup and if using our tune, combine both the LCM and our tuning for best results.

    WSRD Standard 2200 RPM Launch Control Setting

    • Requires the KWI Blue Primary Spring (2500 RPM Engagement) previously found in KWI's AO Clutch Systems (PLEASE NOTE: KWI now supplies the Blue/Orange Primary Spring with all clutch systems, this does NOT support our launch control configuration. 
    • Other vendor clutching systems will support this with similar engagement springs

    WSRD  Enhanced 2600 RPM Launch Control Setting

    • Requires the WSRD | KWI Pink Primary Spring (2900 RPM Engagement) which is listed above as a NEW available option
    • Other vendor clutching systems will support this with similar engagement springs

    The "No Thanks | I Have Supportive Clutching" Option

    • This option is noted for clients that have previously purchased a Tapp, KWI Ultrashift or STM Primary configuration with a supportive engagement setting. (Please review the video below for customization settings.)

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 3 reviews

    Ordered the pink 2600 but received the blue 2200 primary spring.

    Updating my review to 5 stars for the prompt and excellent customer service received! Whalen’s Speed is a top notch company.

    James Neizmik
    Exceeded my expectation

    Even though the 2900 rpm kit is not being offered now and is what I ordered and I received the 2200 rpm kit it still is a way better launch than without it I deffinitely would recommend any Whalen product to any of my friends

    Hi there James,
    We definitely apologize for the confusion on what was recieved.
    We are working on website updates, and this is one of them while change manufacturers for the 28-2900 spring.
    Thank you!
    - Sales (8/7/24)


    Amazing sxs launchers hard and fast

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